Sunday, 18 September 2011

Camera movement research.

How is ethnicity represented in this scene through camera movement?

In our media studies lesson we have been given a homework to analyse a scene from spooks. Giving particular focus on camera movements and how these represent ehtnicity within the scene. The scene starts with a crane shot and although all characters are seen as silhouettes on screen, it is noticeable is all characters are in different positions on screen, none seem connected and this could be interpreted as signifying racial separation. The shot then changes to reveal a white female, a black male, and an Iraqi as well as a bodyguard who is also presumable Iraqi. The Iraqi without a balaclava is lecturing the two captives. A panning shot followed him accross the room where he is shown stood up compared to the two captives who are sat down. This immediately gives a feeling of importance to the Iraqi character as he is shown higher up than the two captives. A close up on a photo shortly followed by a tilt shot leading up from the table to the Iraqi reinforces this feeling of power and importance.

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