Thursday, 6 October 2011

Sound, Doctor Who

During the first two minutes of this scene, sound plays a key aspect in helping the audience derive meanings and decode the scene. The scene starts with a woman entering and some non-diegetic sound being played, the music sounds like something from a western/cowboy film perhaps parodying a stand-off. This is followed by a male character speaking, perhaps identifying his superiority in the scene, he commands the female character who obeys, the sound is clearly heard as she unstraps a device, chucks it to the male character and he catches it. He then once again commands her to kneel, this truely shows his ultimate control over the her. He continues to announce his plans to the room, showing his arrogance and certainty of his plan. He turns round and futuristic beeping and voices communicate with him. This shows he is technologically advanced, he turns a ticking clock on which causes the audience to be aware of time, he continues to talk and something that is noticeable is that he is the only person to talk for the whole scene, this singles him out as the only important person. However she interrupts him by laughing, he is shocked and he suddenly seems weaker, the woman is suddenly in a higher position of power, although she is in such a vulnerable position. He begins to worry and his voice is a lot less firm re-establishing power in the scene. This shows how important the sound and dialogue is, purely by talking the whole scene is directed upon him and as soon as someone else joins in he does not seem powerful.

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