Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Who would be the audience for your media product?

This question was answered by Eric here is the blog post in which he answered the question.

Our film has been directed specifcally towards an older audience, particularly late teens and early adulthood. We have chosen to do this as we feel the way in which our film has been constructed could cause confusions and would need a mature audience for this. The film also has moments of high suspense, violence and challeneging themes.
The film has been directed towards both genders however we feel it is much more likely to be viewed by males, however this doesent mean it has been directed specifically towards them. We just feel that it will relate easier to that gender.
Specifcally no target cultural background has been chosen and we plan to leave this open. However the themes and way in which the film is produced leans into a british and western background which confronts challenges which we feel these backgrounds will relate to best.
[Linked blogpost and conclusion by Eric Hesselbo]

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